How to Play

Greetings, Bop Stars!

Below, you'll find comprehensive instructions and various ways to enjoy the game. Feel free to read through the guidelines or jump straight into the action by picking cards and playing tunes. For those who enjoy a more visual approach, don't miss our instructional video further down this page, where you'll see the cards come to life. So open up your deck and let's get the music started!

  • Bop or Not Cards

    They're the heart of the game!

  • A Streaming Device:

    Any device that can play music, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

  • A Music Service:

    Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, or any platform where you can choose songs.

  • Speakers:

    For the best experience, have speakers ready to bring your selected songs to life.

Understanding the Cards

Category Cards - RED Cards

These cards are your gateway to musical exploration, featuring prompts based on specific music categories. Whether it's genre, decade, or theme, drawing a red card means you'll select and play a song that fits the given category prompt.

Amplifier Cards - BLUE Cards

Blue cards bring an element of surprise and spontaneity to the game. They're not tied to specific categories but rather offer abstract, fun, and sometimes whimsical requests. Get ready for a mix of random and entertaining prompts that will add a twist to your music selection.

Two Ways to Play:

  • EASY MODE - One Pile, One Card:

    Shuffle and mix all the cards together to form one big pile. Each player takes turns drawing a single card from the pile and then selects a song that matches the card's prompt. Simple, straightforward, and fun!

  • CHALLENGE MODE - Two Piles, Two Cards:

    Divide your deck into two distinct piles: one for the blue Amplifier Cards and another for the red Category Cards. During each turn, draw one card from each pile and combine the prompts. Your challenge? Find a song that satisfies both!

Turning Up the Volume:

Playing with a Large Group

While Bop or Not is a blast with just two players, the fun exponentially grows with more. It's the perfect icebreaker to kick off a party or to keep the energy going! Here are a couple of simple ways to play in larger groups:

  • Playing for FUN

    If you don’t care who’s bops are the best and just want a vast and varied playlist, start each round by having each player pick their own card(s) using either the 1 pile easy mode or the 2 pile challenge mode outlined above. This creates a round where the songs and music are wildly different and unpredictable.

  • Playing to COMPETE

    If you want an even playing field so you can decide on who picked the better bop, start each round by selecting a single prompt using either the 1 pile easy mode or the 2 pile challenge mode outlined above. This creates a round where players go head-to-head picking songs from the same prompt.

The best thing about the rules is that there aren’t any!

The beauty of Bop or Not lies in its flexibility – there are no set rules! The gameplay methods outlined above are just a few ways we love to enjoy the game. If you find new ways to play or create your own rules, we're all ears and would love to hear about it!

Unlock the Full Experience

End your game night on a high note with these playful tips:


Generate a playlist

Create a collective playlist throughout the game, adding each chosen song as you go. Share this playlist with your guests as a fun memento. It's a fantastic way to revisit tracks that made the night and to find new music favorites!


Play in different places

Bop or Not thrives in any setting! Whether you're cooking in the kitchen, setting off on a road trip, or enjoying the great outdoors, our compact cards are ready to soundtrack your adventure. The cards are small and portable and pack a big musical punch!



Embrace spirited debates by yelling "Not A Bop!" to skip songs that miss the mark. It's all in good fun and keeps the playlist fresh and free of duds.


A Learning Opportunity

Use Bop or Not as a doorway to musical exploration. Dive into unfamiliar genres and eras, expanding your musical landscape. Who knows? You might just stumble upon your next favorite song or artist.